
eggs & matching

For easter, Brendan and I made our way out to Brooklyn to have brunch with some friends. One of our little friends who attended the brunch is an adorable two-year-old girl with a bright personality. She gleefully passed out these dyed easter eggs (that she dyed) for each of us - which happened to match everyone's clothes! I see lots of art, color wheels, and design in her future...

kids these days

Some kid, somewhere in New York is running around the streets of the Upper East Side wearing a $178.00 JCrew sequined shirt. For the entire 1 month that it fits them. While I'm sure they look adorable, I'm also (almost) sure they have a spaghetti stain or something of the like splattered on the front, too. Is this really what parents buy their kids these days?

I was thinking about my friend, Meg, when I saw this shirt. Doesn't Miss Reagan need one of these for her 3rd birthday party? Just think about how fancy & sparkly she would look.

homemade photo booth

I am really, really into photo booths these days. They are just so darn fun, I'm not sure how anyone couldn't be into them. I made a homemade "photo booth" for the kiddos at VBS last week, and - as I suspected - I'm pretty sure I had 10x more fun than they did. Some were excited, some appeased me and at least had their photo made, and some were just short of screaming bloodymurder. But as you can see, we adults had a great time! Thanks for all the help (ahem, Maggie, Maggie and Bethany) for making this day run semi-smoothly.