
fall photo shoot

Remember 3 weeks ago when I said I was headed out for a fall photo shoot? 353 pictures later, we called it a day! If you don't like looking at pictures of beautiful autumn park scenes, you can stop reading now. But if you do, this is the post you'll want to read. We got some really cute (and super cheesy + touristy) photos. I've narrowed down (majorly - don't worry) and these are a few of my favorites.

Katherine did a large majority of the photo-taking - she's good behind a camera. Also, she began the day as a bit of a naysayer (it was her first year), but finished the day strong when she expressed how much she loved doing touristy things in the park and capturing it on camera! Most of all - more than just taking fun pictures with your best friends - it reminded us to slow down and actually enjoy the beauty of New York, especially in the fall. We were reminded that not everyone here is in a hurry and we found some really wonderful people as we asked strangers to take photos of the 4 of us. Good to be reminded of those things. Now...I'm pushing for a winter wonderland shoot. We'll certainly see how that works out for me...