
this is for Tate

Today is Chick Fil A's "Cow Appreciation Day" and as a special promo they were giving out free chicken sandwiches in various locations in New York. After much deliberation, I braved the heat, followed the cows, and landed a nice (and FREE) lunch...

Let me assure you, it was madness. New Yorkers love Chick Fil A. Shortly before 11 AM, I heard screaming and yelling outside and looked out my window to find this: a bus full of Chick Fil A cows.

Then when I made it to the spot where they were passing out sandwiches at noon, I had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have my very own picture taken with the cow. Being the 24-year-old "adult" that I sometimes think I am, I hesitated and decided that I didn't really need a picture with the cow. But then I thought of the disappointment on Tate's face if I had opted out and the pure glee and elation he would have when he looked at this picture. Obviously, I chose the latter!