
21 days. 3 weeks. Less than a month. I will be sitting on a plane at this very minute beside a total stranger listening to my iPod. or maybe reading.

I can't wait to be in NEW YORK in three weeks, but I can wait to be gone from Auburn in three weeks. It definitely set in last night - I hate change. And I don't like to think about leaving all my friends and my home for the past four years. I feel like my senior year in high school is happening all over again.

She is gonna die, absolutely die, if she ever reads this blog about her...which she might, because she is one of the only people in Auburn who even know about this blog or ever read it. But "what I'm gonna miss in Auburn" today is CAYLEN. She has enough big changes coming up in her life (WAY more than I do) because she is getting married in August AND moving to Phoenix in August. But, she's made interior design bearable, especially over the past two years since we've known each other a lot better. I'm hoping that even at opposite sides of the country, we'll still keep in close contact and text messages and emails will hold us over for, hopefully, an occasional visit...

(IF she ever reads this, she is going to KILL me for putting this picture up...haha)